Top Conservative Colleges in the Country 2025

    January 13, 2025 | Admin

    Top Conservative Colleges

    Conservative colleges are politically right-wing, with the majority of the student body favoring conservative positions like limited government size, gun rights, and outlawing abortion. Many conservative schools are also Christian schools that are more likely to adhere to more traditional social views and rules. These colleges tend to be more strict and regimented than liberal colleges, and typically require students to follow a code of conduct.

    Top 5 Conservative Colleges

    Rank School Location
    1Thomas Aquinas CollegeSanta Paula, California
    2Grove City CollegeGrove City, Pennsylvania
    3Hillsdale CollegeHillsdale, Michigan
    4Texas A&M UniversityCollege Station, Texas
    5Brigham Young UniversityProvo, Utah

    Based on the Princeton Review rankings for the most conservative colleges in the country, we are taking a look at the top 15 schools known for being conservative. The colleges were ranked on students’ responses to the question: “Politically, are you left-wing, Democrat, middle, Republican, right-wing?

    If you consider yourself more conservative politically or religiously and are looking for a school that will fit your lifestyle and beliefs, you may want to consider attending some of the following schools.

    The 15 Best Conservative Colleges


    Thomas Aquinas College

    • Santa Paula, California

    Thomas Aquinas College was established in 1971, when the founders believed that many Catholic institutions were straying from their loyalty to the teaching Church. In this belief, those founders determined that Thomas Aquinas College would strive for fidelity to the Magisterium and would only offer a single, integrated curriculum of liberal arts and sciences, while pursuing truth and wisdom.

    Although the college is devoted to a great Catholic education, it is open to all students. The college believes that faith is a gift that, in combination with tradition and wisdom, is a benefit to all men. Thomas Aquinas College has a close-knit community of students and teachers, and has a code of conduct for all of those on campus. A dress code is required of students; women wear skirts or dresses of modest length, sleeves, and necklines. Men wear slacks, shirts with collars, and dress shoes, or sandals with socks.

    In addition, there is a strict no opposite sex in residence halls rule, and a curfew is enforced. The private possession or use of alcohol or illegal drugs and narcotics is forbidden on campus.

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    Grove City College

    • Grove City, Pennsylvania

    Founded in 1876, Grove City College offers a rigorous liberal arts education along with a strong STEM program. Students have the choice between 50 different programs of study and are required to complete coursework in humanities, social science, laboratory science and foreign language.

    Grove City College believes in higher education for a higher purpose, and is founded on three essential pillars; a rich academic tradition, an amazing value, and a Christ-centered community. Grove City was built on the beliefs of faith and freedom. They focus on a holistic experience for students, and encourage them to pursue excellence in every area of their lives.

    At Grove City College faith and learning are connected, and they don’t shy away from the critical questions that religion raises. Faith plays a central role in classes, activities, residence halls, and the chapel.

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    Hillsdale College

    • Hillsdale, Michigan
    • Graduation Rate: 84%

    Founded in 1844, Hillsdale College is an independent, liberal arts college. As an independent institution, Hillsdale does not accept federal or state taxpayer subsidies for any of its operations. Hillsdale believes in nurturing students intellectual, physical, social, and personal growth.

    Each entering student at Hillsdale College is required to sign the honor code and commit himself or herself to participate fully and honorably. The Hillsdale Honor Code states that; A Hillsdale College student is honorable in conduct, honest in word and deed, dutiful in study and service, and respectful of the rights of others. Through education the student rises to self-government.

    Hillsdale College’s motto “Virtus tentamine gaudet” (strength rejoices in the challenge) inspires students and staff to be strong in virtue, and welcome a challenge. In the challenge of self-government, Hillsdale asks its students to act worthy of the blessings of liberty at all times and in all places.

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    Texas A&M University

    • College Station, Texas
    • Graduation Rate: 80%

    Opened in 1876, Texas A&M has a total enrollment of 64,600 as of Fall 2015. A&M offers students 139 different undergraduate degree programs and 268 graduate degree programs. Texas A&M also offers students the opportunity to learn and travel the world. 4,385 students go to 103 countries each year.

    Texas A&M believes their purpose as a university is to develop leaders of character, dedicated to serving the greater good, and is defined by their six core values; excellence, integrity, leadership, loyalty, respect, and selfless service. Texas A&M believes excellence should set the bar, and that “excellence stems from a great sense of pride in who we are and what we believe in.”

    Texas A&M also holds integrity above all. They believe character is destiny, and require students to live by the Aggie Code of Honor: “Aggies do not lie, cheat or steal nor tolerate those that do.” The University also encourages students to be points of light, and help others through selfless service.

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    Brigham Young University

    • Provo, Utah
    • Graduation Rate: 62%

    Brigham Young University is a private, Christian university owned by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. It is the largest religious university and the third-largest private university in the country. The University is dedicated to providing an education that is spiritually strengthening, intellectually enlarging, character building, and leading to lifelong learning and service.

    All students, regardless of religious affiliation, are required to sign and agree to living and following the Honor Code. The Honor Code states that students: be honest; live a chaste and virtuous life; obey the law and all campus policies; use clean language; respect others; abstain from alcoholic beverages, tobacco, tea, coffee, and substance abuse; participate regularly in church services; observe dress and grooming standards; and encourage others in their commitment to comply with the Honor Code.

    All students are also required to complete religious courses throughout their education at BYU. Course work also often requires students to participate in service in the local community.

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    University of Dallas

    • Irving, Texas
    • Graduation Rate: 67%

    The University of Dallas was founded in 1956 as a private, Catholic, co-educational university, open to students of all faith. UD offers students 30 different undergraduate majors, 30 master’s programs, 4 doctoral programs, and 10 graduate certificate programs.

    UD provides a spirited community where academic, social, and spiritual life come together. UD is also dedicated to the pursuit of wisdom, truth, and virtue. Students at UD are educated while developing intellectual and moral virtues, preparing themselves for life and work, and becoming leaders who are able to act responsibly for their own good and the good of others.

    Although UD accepts students of all denominations, more than 75% of UD’s students are Catholic. The school fosters spiritual development to prepare all students for their calling as men and women of faith.

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    United States Military Academy

    • West Point, New York
    • Graduation Rate: 86%

    Founded in 1802, the United States Military Academy, also known as West Point, provides a 47-month leader-development program built upon a moral-ethical foundation filled with academic rigor, military discipline, and physical challenges. West Point is known for its academic and physical excellence as well as being the producers of tomorrow’s military, public and private-sector leaders.

    West Point is dedicated to producing leaders of character who are prepared to provide selfless service. Life at West Point means you put service of the nation first and are prepared to be a standard-bearer. The Academy also has an Office of Chaplains that provides broad-based religious support to West Point to facilitate the moral, spiritual, and ethical development of the Cadets. West Point is also home to eight different chapels that offer a wide variety of worship.

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    College of the Ozarks

    • Point Lookout, Missouri
    • Graduation Rate: 66%

    Originally known as the School of the Ozarks in 1906, the school became the College of the Ozarks with a four year program in 1965. Today, the College offers Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science degrees in various programs. C of O has a unique program for students unlike any college. They provide a Christian education to those who are found worthy, but lack the means to pay for an education. Instead of paying tuition, full-time students work campus jobs to fund the cost of education. These students who complete the Work Education Program are given the entire cost of education by the College allowing them to graduate debt-free.

    The C of O’s vision is to develop citizens of Christ-like character who are well-educated, hard-working, and patriotic. They strive to provide a sound education based in the liberal arts, promote a strong work ethic, develop good character and values, foster the Christian faith through the integration of faith with learning; living; and service, encourage an understanding of American heritage, and cultivate an appreciation of the fine arts.

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    United States Naval Academy

    • Annapolis, Maryland
    • Graduation Rate: 88%

    Founded in 1845, the United States Naval Academy is the undergraduate college of our country’s naval service. The Academy prepares young men and women to become professional officers in the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps. The four year program allows students to graduate with a bachelor of science degree, and commissions as ensigns in the Navy, or second lieutenants in the Marine Corps. All graduates are required to serve at least five years in the Navy or Marine Corps upon completion of school.

    The program at the Naval Academy is challenging, tightly structured, and designed to push students beyond their limits. Students are required to be persons of honor and integrity, abide by the Naval Academy Honor Concept, and follow a regimented daily schedule. The Honor Concept requires students to: tell the truth and ensure that the truth is known, embrace fairness in all actions and not cheat, and respect the property of others and not steal.

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    United States Merchant Marine Academy

    • Kings Point, New York
    • Graduation Rate: 95%

    The United States Merchant Marine Academy is a federal service academy that produces licensed Merchant Marine officers. USMMA is known for its rigorous academic program and hands-on experience. All graduates of USMMA have a service obligation upon graduation with either the US maritime industry and officer service in any reserve unit of the armed forces, or active duty in any of the nation’s armed forces.

    Spiritual life is voluntary at USMMA but many participate in religious activities on campus. There are chaplains, Protestant and Catholic programs, retreats, religious study programs, sacramental preparation classes, choir, and many other religious clubs. The school is also very considerate of those requiring special arrangements for worship and offers assistance from chaplains.

    Life at USMMA is very regimented and all students are required to follow a daily schedule Monday through Friday: reveille, breakfast, room inspection, colors, morning classes, lunch formation, afternoon classes, athletics or extracurricular activities, dinner, and finally study period. Friday afternoons and Saturday mornings are used for regimental parades and inspections, but the remainder of each weekend includes liberty and recreation.

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    Hampden – Sydney College

    • Hampden Sydney, Virginia
    • Graduation Rate: 66%

    Hampden-Sydney College is a private, liberal arts college for men located in Virginia. H-SC is the tenth oldest institution of higher learning in the United States and one of the few remaining colleges for men. They believe in turning boys into men with their mission to “form good men and good citizens in an atmosphere of sound learning.”

    H-SC is known for producing people of strong character and believes honor is more than just an idea–it is a way of life. All students must live by the Code of Conduct: to treat each other, members of the College community, and everyone else we meet, as we would like to be treated. Students are also expected to live honorably by behaving as gentleman at all times and not lie, cheat, or steal, nor tolerate those who do. Men at H-SC are students first, but also participate in philanthropy clubs, service, honor societies, music, and more.

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    Auburn University

    • Auburn, Alabama
    • Graduation Rate: 75%

    Auburn University was established in 1856 and is one of the few universities to carry the torch as a land, sea, and space grant university. Auburn offers students more than 140 degree options in 13 schools and colleges with a traditional blend of arts and applied science.

    The Auburn Creed shows a comprehensive view of what Auburn and its students try to live by: “I believe that this is a practical world and that I can count only on what I earn. Therefore, I believe in work, hard work. I believe in education, which gives me the knowledge to work wisely and trains my mind and my hand to work skillfully. I believe in honesty and truthfulness, without which I cannot win the respect and confidence of my fellow men. I believe in a sound mind, in a sound body and a spirit that is not afraid, and in clean sports that develop these qualities. I believe in obedience to law because it protects the rights of all. I believe in the human touch, which cultivates sympathy with my fellow men and mutual helpfulness and brings happiness for all. I believe in my Country, because it is a land of freedom and because it is my own home, and that I can best serve that country by ‘doing justly, loving mercy, and walking humbly with my God.’”

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    Clemson University

    • Clemson, South Carolina
    • Graduation Rate: 81%

    Clemson University is known as one of the country’s most selective public research universities. Founded in 1889 by Thomas Green Clemson, Clemson University is home to 17,360 undergraduate students and 4,597 graduate students. The University also offers more than 80 majors and 75 minors within 5 colleges.

    Students at Clemson University are very involved all around campus, and in the community. Whether it be attending games, participating in intramurals, belonging to a fraternity or sorority, or apart of another club on campus, students come together to make Clemson a great place.

    Service is especially important to those at Clemson. Clemson University is dedicated to serving others, and identifying and solving current community needs. Students can be involved in community service programs, environmental efforts and sustainability programs, agricultural services, youth development and family service, economic and community development, and health and safety programs.

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    Wofford College

    • Spartanburg, South Carolina
    • Graduation Rate: 80%

    Founded in 1854 by Reverend Benjamin Wofford, Wofford College is an independent, liberal arts college. Wofford College offers students 64 different majors, minors, and programs.  Students at Wofford College enjoy small classes and personal interaction with a student to faculty ratio of 10:1.

    The Halligan Center for Religious and Spiritual Life at Wofford is the coordinating home for the diverse religious observance on campus, home to Wofford’s expanding interfaith program, and a well-being resource for students, staff, and faculty.  In the student body, 27 different faiths and religious viewpoints are represented. Wofford also offers several student organizations focused on worship and service to others.

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    Baylor University

    • Waco, Texas
    • Graduation Rate: 74%

    Baylor University is one of the best conservative Christian colleges in the nation. It was established in 1845 through efforts of Baptist pioneers. It is the oldest continually operating university in Texas. The University is a private Christian university, and a nationally ranked research institution. Baylor offers 142 undergraduate degree programs with the average undergraduate class size of 26.

    The mission of Baylor states that they are dedicated to educate men and women for worldwide leadership and service by integrating academic excellence and Christian commitment within a caring community. Although Students are not required to embrace the Baptist tradition to attend Baylor, they are encouraged to broaden their understanding of the rich cultural diversity found throughout the world and Baylor’s campus. Students who attend Baylor have a wide variety of beliefs and practices; from Hindu to Episcopalian and everything in between.

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